Pasquill highly rated in latest customer satisfaction survey

We have just been described as professional, efficient, and reliable in our most recent customer satisfaction survey.
The annual survey was independently conducted by TLF Research, in order for us to deepen our understanding of what our customers want and value, and how well we are meeting those expectations.
We were delighted to report that over 86% of respondents revealed they are satisfied with our service, which means that Pasquill remains in the top quartile of the TLF Customer Satisfaction Index league table – which consists of over 1,300 companies.
‘Product quality’ and ‘Condition of goods on delivery’ scored highly. Both received 9/10 scores from our customer base, showcasing our commitment towards both the quality of our product and the efficiency of our service.
More than half also said they would recommend Pasquill to another organisation in the sector – which we are hugely proud of as it demonstrates the trust they place in us.
As one customer put it: “I am very satisfied with Pasquill as they are a good company to deal with. I value the quality of the technical support that I get from them.”
We’ll also take on board the suggested areas of improvement that were in the survey. We know that there is always more we can do and that we can never take our customers for granted.