Can Roof Trusses Be Modified?

Roof trusses are a vital part of your home, as they create a rigid structure that bears a large amount of weight. Modifying the roof trusses on your home could be an effective way to create more space. However, you should never do this alone. When looking to modify the roof trusses on your home, you’ll need to employ a structural engineer to help you out.
At Pasquill, we’re experts in all things roof trusses and rafters, so we can provide you with all the help and advice you need to successfully modify the roof trusses in your home and make your attic more spacious. Continue reading to find out more on modifying roof trusses.
What are roof trusses?
A roof truss is a structural frame made up of timber that is nailed, bolted or pegged together to bridge the space above the room and provide support for the roof. Cutting a roof truss can result in structural damage.
Can you modify roof trusses?
Roof trusses can be modified to create more room in attic spaces. However, roof trusses should not be modified without the help of a licensed structural engineer. A qualified professional can give you advice on what can and can’t be done to your roof. Cutting roof trusses should be avoided as this can cause serious structural issues.
How to modify a roof truss: why modify roof trusses?
Most homeowners will be looking to create additional space when thinking about modifying roof trusses. They may want to raise the ceiling, create more storage space or even move a staircase.
Modifying roof trusses is possible without the full removal of a roof. However, this should only be completed if the decision is confirmed by a full-trained engineer.
Most roof trusses will have these elements:
- Rafters – the upper cords which form the peak of the roof
- Joist – the lower cord which makes up the lower horizontal of the triangle, supporting the attic floor and top floor’s ceiling.
- Centre Vertical Brace – this element supports the upper cords, also known as the “webbing”.
Generally, to modify a roof truss a fully-trained professional will create support for the upper cords, then remove the webbing. However, the process can differ from property to property.
Can you replace trusses without removing the roof?
You can replace the truss rafters in your roof with either A-shaped trusses or horizontal beams to create extra space without complete roof removal. The horizontal beam will tie the truss together and carry the load that would have otherwise been sustained by the support and vertical timber.
You can also replace the traditional W-shaped trusses by placing steel or timber beams across the floor’s length to create a larger and more functional attic space.
Roof truss suppliers
Here at Pasquill, we’re the UK’s largest supplier of roof trusses and rafters. With a national network of designing and manufacturing sites, we strive to be the best in the industry. Take a look at our roof solutions online today or contact us for more information on how we can help you create more space in your attic.
Can you convert attic trusses?
Yes, attic conversions can be conducted through the replacement of the truss rafters with A-shaped trusses or horizontal beams. This creates additional space.
Can you cut a roof truss?
It is recommended that you never cut roof trusses as they are designed to carry a specific roof load and cutting them could seriously impact the stability of your home. Please note, cutting a structural truss without the approval of the engineer is illegal in some locations.